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    KrewSheet Overview
    In This Topic

    krewSheet is a plug-in that allows you to view and edit the kintone views just as you would in Excel. You can use Excel-like lists on the kintone view screen.

    Configuration of krewSheet

    krewSheet provides two functions: the design function for app administrators to set up apps (app settings) and the execution function for general users to work with data when using apps. These functions are available on the plug-in setting screen of the app settings and the view screen respectively. krewSheet runs in kintone as a plug-in.

    Roles of kintone and krew

    krewSheet is a plug-in that allows you to view and edit the kintone views just as you would in Excel. As with common apps, the creation of app and the configuration of form and other various app settings are performed on the setting screen of kintone, except the view setting. The configuration of krewSheet is performed on the plug-in setting screen.

    Basically, all settings (such as permissions) applied in the app settings also work with krewSheet. The effectiveness of each setting value in krewSheet is explained in details in "Behavior of App Settings".

    Getting Started Steps

    The specific steps for getting started with krewSheet are explained in details in "Getting Started Steps".

    See Also