Sheet Mode / Features Overview / Field Types / Check box
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    Check box
    In This Topic

    The table below shows whether or not krewSheet allows the settings and display equivalent to the setting items of kintone Check box field.

    Setting Items

    kintone krewSheet Remarks
    Field name
    Hide Field Name -
    Field Code
    Make Required
    Items and Order

    Appearance on Screen

    It should look like the following:

    kintone krewSheet
    Edit mode
    Display mode
    No check box is displayed, and only the checked value is displayed.

    Check boxes are displayed, and the unchecked values are also displayed. This is different from the standard appearance of kintone.
    When the layout setting of the CheckBox field is set to vertical, all items are not be displayed vertically in a single column on krewSheet. Instead, they are arranged vertically for every three items and the next item gets displayed in the next column.